our team

As a child, my responses to bullying were oftentimes reactive and ego-driven. Training has helped me find inner peace and manage my anxiety. It has given me the ability to remain calm and find solace within myself despite the chaos around me. As an adult, I would argue that this is the most essential skill I have gained. I see myself in many of my students; the quiet ones, the shy ones, the ones that struggle to express their emotions or speak in front of a crowd, and especially my girls. It is imperative that those who choose our academy do so with the understanding that this is not simply another stop in the weekly routine. It is a way of life intended to develop leaders. Our team is here to celebrate your victories, support you through your short comings, and push you to your full potential. In training — as in life —you will not always feel motivated. You will not always win. And so you must learn to be disciplined — in mind, body, and spirit. "

Ms. Rae Sypher

Owner & Chief Instructor. Began training in 1998 and holds the rank of 4th Degree Black Belt.

meet our volunteer instructors

Ms. Sypher

Ms. Sophia Sypher is a Senior Instructor. She began training in 2007 and currently holds the rank 3rd Degree Black Belt. Off the mat Ms. Sypher is a first year Public Health major.

Mr. Possible

Mr. Noah Possible is a Senior Instructor. He began training in 2013 and currently holds the rank 3rd Degree Black Belt. Off the mat Mr. Possible is a program facilitator at PEI Kids.

Ms. Mudry

Ms. Liz Mudry is a Senior Instructor. She began training in 2011 and currently holds the rank 2nd Degree Black Belt. Ms. Mudry is currently working abroad as an assistant English teacher in Japan.

Mr. Shah

Mr. Prasham Shah is an Assistant Instructor. He began training in 2014 and currently holds the rank 3rd Degree Black Belt. Off the mat he is a student.